We are a registered 501c3 organization - donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made through Zeffy or by mailing a check. Donations are used for veterinary care and supplies - we go through a lot food and litter!
100% of all donations go to supporting animals in our care.
We go through A LOT of food and supplies to keep the rescue up and running. Check out our Chewy Wish List!
We love getting donations of supplies - cat food, litter, toys, cleaning supplies.
Whether you have 1 hour or 10 hours, we are always in need of volunteers - transporting animals to/from veterinary appointments, transporting animals from various parts of CT, socializing animals in our care, processing adoption applications, calling vets for vet references, home visits, data entry, and laundry.
Fostering an animal is one way to help us take in animals that need help. When you foster an animal, it helps prepare the animal for adoption. Fosters provide the daily care and treat the animal as their own. We can supply supplies if requested. All veterinary care is paid for by the rescue.